Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Evanston Community Christmas Gala - December 10, 2009

Last Thursday the Evanston Civic Chorus hosted the 2nd biennial Evanston Community Christmas Gala at Davis Middle School.  The concert was an even bigger success than the Gala two years ago, which is what we were hoping for.  The only really unfortunate thing about the event was that the auditorium was super cold.  Someone had left the outside door open earlier in the day, and there was not enough time for it to heat up.  I had a hard time playing the piano, my fingers were so cold.   

We heard great performances from the Catholic Church choir, the Evanston Civic Chorus and the Evanston Civic Orchestra as well as a vocal duet, vocal quintet, instrumental trio and piano soloist.  To end the concert, the combined choirs and orchestra performed "Joy to the World" and then led the audience in a sing-a-long.
by Sara

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know about this community Christmas gala. Couple of days back attended a fabulous gala at one of Chicago event venues. It was amazing and best arrangements were done. Really liked their work and had a lovely time there.
